PRAYER: Celtic Prayers To The Guardian Angels

celtic prayers to guardian angels

From Celtic Vision and Celtic Spiritual Verse

The Soul-Shrine

God, give charge to Thy blessed angels,
To keep guard around this stead tonight,
A band sacred, strong, and steadfast,
That will shield this soul-shrine from harm.

Safeguard, Thou, God, this household tonight,
Themselves and their means and their fame,
Deliver them from death, from distress, from harm,
From the fruits of envy and of enmity.

Give Thou to us, O God of peace,
Thankfulness despite our loss,
To obey Thy statutes here below,
And to enjoy Thyself above.

The Cross of the Saints and the Angels

The cross of the saints and of the angels with me
From the top of my face to the edge of my soles.

The Saints and Angels

The circle of the saints around you wound,
The circle of the angels o’er the ground,
O circle yours of all the saints be found
And of the angels nine for you around.

The Guardian Angel

Thou angel of God who hast charge of me
From the dear Father of mercifulness,
The shepherding kind of the fold of the saints
To make round about me this night;

Drive from me every temptation and danger,
Surround me on the sea of unrighteousness,
And in the narrows, crooks, and straits,
Keep thou my coracle, keep it always.

Be thou a bright flame before me,
Be thou a guiding star above me,
Be thou a smooth path below me,
And be a kindly shepherd behind me,
Today, tonight, and forever.

I am tired and I a stranger,
Lead thou me to the land of angels;
For me it is time to go home
To the court of Christ, to the peace of Heaven.

Angel Guardian

O Angel guardian of my right hand,
Attend thou me this night,
Rescue thou me in the battling floods,
Array me in thy linen, for I am naked;
Succor me, for I am feeble and forlorn.

Steer thou my coracle in the crooked eddies,
Guide thou my step in gap and in pit,
Guard thou me in the treacherous turnings,
And save thou me from the scaith* of the wicked,
Save thou me from scaith this night.

Drive thou from me the taint of pollution,
Encompass thou me till Doom from evil;
O kindly Angel of my right hand,
Deliver thou me from the wicked this night,
Deliver thou me this night!

(*scaith: injury, harm, or damage)


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