The Holy Spirit

ANGELS: The Seraphim And The Holy Spirit—Heaven’s Fiery Force

December 17, 2013

Praise to you Spirit of fire! to you who sound the timbrel and the lyre. Your music sets our minds ablaze! —Hildegard of Bingen I have long been fascinated by The Holy Spirit in the form of fire.  I savor the potentiality in it: fire as holy. Holy destruction. And so I was delighted to read about the Seraphim, those angels that are ranked highest in their hierarchy. (Though, to admit it, the concept of putting angels into some sort of greater-lesser relationship frustrates me.  Because even in the natural world, who is greater in the long run, the lion or the cockroach?) But, going along with the accepted notion of no-I’m-first-you’re-under-me for the angelic hosts, I read along about the Seraphim and their attributes. [...]