
POETRY: At The Border Of Paradise by Anna Kamieńska

November 23, 2016

It’s strange that green valleys are still here as if happiness slept in them and shady streams we once knew for sure existed and that there still are roofs under which small children sleep filling the house with a different silence. It’s strange that clouds here still follow the sun like gliding birds and that there still is simple human goodness besides what aspires upwards that pure music stands at the door which suddenly seems like a palace portico It’s strange that we still want so much to love and cry   [...]

POETRY: No Other Paradise by Kurt Brown

July 9, 2016

Pale dawn then banks of cloud shot with light highway salted to a dry crust the sun a white flame but no ice the river a broad rippling scintillance the skyline’s jagged profit chart we wake to our own reality purely imagined the ghost-life of money war history’s fractured narrative we had a paradise it was around here somewhere near blighted derricks tankers bloated with oil on the far bank more of the same and where bridges stride listlessly above the waste raw sky empty of wings * standing here in this city this gray sprawling dismasted island made of baby carriages and sunken rails stink of scorched rubber howl of metal Lucite mortar polymer glass horizon of stainless steel chromium nickel towers so high they lean in grid [...]