PRAYER: A Novena To Saint Maximilian Kolbe For The Grace To Be Freed From Addiction

drug addiction

(I collect prayers, and I’m especially fond of novenas.  I find them to be a very practical means of organizing thoughts and hopes.  A year or so ago, I was putting together a litany for parents with wayward children.

It was dedicated to a woman who was going through a very bad time with her daughter, a young woman whose life was being slowly ruined because of her addiction to drugs.  I was shocked, and somewhat horrified, when I could not find a prayer concerning addiction, any kind of addiction.  It was as though the church turned its face away from such degradation.  Perhaps there is just too much shame in the idea of addiction to want to actually pray for someone in such trouble.

If that’s the case, then that is the real shame.

I was overjoyed when I finally came across the following novena.  I can’t remember now where I found it, but in finding it I immediately became an ardent fan of Brother Kolbe.)

A Novena to Saint Maximilian Kolbe for the Grace to be Freed from Addiction 

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, your life of love and labor for souls was sacrificed amid the horrors of a concentration camp and hastened to its end by an injection of a deadly drug.

Look with compassion upon (NAME OF PERSON) who is now entrapped in addiction to drugs/alcohol and whom I now recommend to your powerful intercession.  Having offered your own life to preserve that of a family man, I turn to you with trust, confident that you will understand and help.

Obtain for me the grace never to withhold my love and understanding, or to fail in persevering prayer that the enslaving bonds of addiction may be broken and that full health may be restored to him, whom I love.

I will never cease to be grateful to God who has helped me and heard your prayer for me.


55 Comments on PRAYER: A Novena To Saint Maximilian Kolbe For The Grace To Be Freed From Addiction

  1. I hope and pray Jesus hears and answers our prayers. May all those suffering find healing and good health thru our Lord Jesus Christ. I especially pray for my daughter who has so much to live for. I pray she find health and happiness gets clean and sober and returns to her faith and those who love her.


  2. Please continue to pray for all those suffering. Especially for my daughter. May she find comfort in prayers and Jesus.Help her find Peace happiness and God.


  3. Praying for the conversion of my family.May they all find peace happiness and sobriety thru Jesus.


    • Prayer is never wasted. My son has sought help and I am so grateful to God that he has. We must continue to pray that they continue on their paths to seek help or to recovery and sobriety. It is always an ongoing battler them. Stay strong. God hears you and knows your pain and their suffering. God bless you.


      • Thank you for your encouraging words. My son is an alcoholic and it breaks my heart. I know God hears my prayers, your encouraging words could not have come at a better time for me. and I am grateful that your son is seeking help.


        • “Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking of what we want to become. Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking about who we don’t ever want to be again.” – Shane Niemeyer

          All you can do is provide love without judgement, encouragement to get better and pray for the wisdom and the words to help him find the help he needs. Nothing is harder than watching your child suffer. God bless you. He is listening.


  4. Please help me pray for my daughter. May Jesus restore her to health both physically and mentally. I pray she find God and return to church.


  5. Bridget Taylor // March 17, 2018 at 2:39 pm // Reply

    Please pray for my Deaf brother Mike who is a heavy drinker. May he find comfort and guidance to become sober and happy through God’s grace and make good Deaf friends.


    • Bless you, Bridget, for being so loving of your brother and God and you pray to bring them back together. May your beloved brother receive the tender solace he needs through the grace of God. Amen.


  6. Help me pray for my daughter. May she be restored to her full health mentally physically and spiritually. I pray she finds peace thru Jesus our Lord. Amen


  7. Pamela Picard // March 21, 2018 at 11:29 pm // Reply

    Praying for a help with my son and his drug and alcohol sickness may it be speedy . One son passed This must be stopped for all families Thank you for hearing me. I believe. Amen


  8. Please help me pray for my daughter. May she find stability in mind body and soul thru our Lord Jesus Christ.


  9. Please pray for my daughter. May she make the most of her aftercare find people who will help her find the right way. I pray for her mental physical and spiritual health.


  10. I thank God my daughter came to church this Easter season. I continue to pray for her full conversion. May she find comfort in her mind body and spirit through Jesus our Lord.


  11. My brother is an alcoholic,he is almost losing his job in the process but i believe God will change him before the worst happens because he has a wife and a 2 year old kid,May God listen to me and all praying for him to change,fellow brethren help me pray .


  12. Thanks be to God.for hearing my prayers to St’ Maximillan Kolby and to St ‘Pio for my loved ones who struggle with addiction.Blessed be GOD. I thank you with all of my heart.


  13. Thank you MY GOD ,St. Maximillian Kolby, St. Pio, and St Jude and all of the Angels and saints for hearing my prayers ,and answering them.


  14. Prayers for my son addicted to meth. It’s been about 6 years that he relapsed after 5 years of sobriety. Now there are four innocent boys that need their dad. I’ve tried desperately for him to agree to seek help but he refuses . Prayers are all I have left.


    • Well, Anita, just know that I was once in your shoes. I was tired from feeling desperate for my daughter. It was then that I realized that there was one thing I could do: pray. So I did. I began with the prayer to forgive adult children ( I prayed this day after day after day until I could feel a sense of calm come over me when I thought of my daughter. Then I went in search of a prayer for addiction. It took a long time to find one, which tells us something, don’t you think? Addiction is something that the church prefers to ignore, pretend it doesn’t exist. And so I prayed this prayer along with the forgiveness prayer. And then came the day that my daughter told me she was entering rehab. And I cried.

      God bless you and your love for your son. Amen.


    • Keep praying Anita!!! Don’t give up on God. He knows the pain of a mother, remember Jesus and Mary. So please keep praying, there are many stories of deliverance from addiction and it takes a little time and is a process. Trust in God. My son is an alcoholic and it breaks my heart, but I know God will work, in His time.


  15. Please pray for my son who relapsed after 14 1/2 months. My heart is broken for him, but he is seeking help again. I pray he finds the strength and makes the right decisions in all areas.


  16. Thank you, I will keep your son in my prayers.


  17. I continue to pray this prayer daily for my son who is seriously addicted to drugs. My heart is broken but I must remain strong for him and help him as best I can. I will never give up.


  18. Girijawattee // October 14, 2018 at 7:20 pm // Reply

    Please pray for my eighteen year old son, Alex to never have any cravings for cocaine and marijuana. Pray for Alex to excel in university, as he studies to become a Psychologist. Pray for him to be surrounded by positive good friends. Pray for Alex to reach out to God and bring him into his daily life.


    • Hello Girljawattee, I will most certainly pray for your son. And I will ask God to bless both your son and for you for being such a faithful and loving parent. May the best of life come to you both. Amen. ~ Julia


    • I will pray for your son Alex. Please pray for mine, an alcoholic. I have learned that we need to pray for each other, all the time.God bless you and your son.


  19. Kelly rockafellow // October 23, 2018 at 8:57 pm // Reply

    Please help her….


  20. thomas murphy // January 11, 2019 at 2:29 pm // Reply

    Dear Saint Max please pray for deliverance from Valium prescription for 11 years I tapered the bulk of it several years ago with the last 6 mg I can’t get off of chemically dependent and very frightened of how barbaric the will take for me they have put me on an anti psychotic and it is very difficult but it does help the sleep please praying from a whole system late stage Lyme disease which of course affects the nervous system anxiety disorder isolation and loneliness I don’t have anyone to help me and I’m very afraid but I trust God to do a miracle to turn it around hes the divine physician there’s nothing he cannot do including this to lift this dependency without any withdraw and free me from these torments in Jesus name Amen


    • Hello Thomas, I understand what it is like to have what you describe. I had major back surgery and two hip replacements 5 years ago and i know that the nerves that are damaged talk to each other, especially at night, and you can’t sleep. Valium is about the best remedy for that so you have my sympathy. I don’t know exactly what to tell you but I know that God will help you. You obviously want to get off this drug, so start small. If there is no risk of seizures, talk to your doctor and taper off the anti-psychotic gradually, a little at a time. Don’t be afraid of withdrawals, that’s why you taper gradually with the help of your doctor. And guess what! Good news! Withdrawals are temporary! and you might reduce the amount of any drug you use to only what smallest amount is absolutely necessary if you doctor recommends it.

      Make up your mind that you are going to get off drugs, I got off Percocet and went through withdrawals and this little easy thing worked for me: Go to bed and say the Apostle’s Creed over and over again every night until you fall asleep. Don’t give up with that…say it over and over until you fall asleep. It works! As for loneliness and anxiety, say the rosary. If you don’t have a rosary right now, use your fingers until you get one. If you don’t know how, just google it. St. Maximillian was especially devoted to Our Lady. Ask the Blessed Mother to help you, tell her how desperate you are and that you need her help. She won’t refuse you. Say the rosary and you will be surprised at how your loneliness and anxiety will leave you as you think about the life of Christ through the eyes of His mother. Most importantly Thomas, you can do this, have faith in yourself and God and ask the Blessed Mother for help along the way. Now….contingency plan….if you have to give in and stop your plan for awhile….don’t despair! Just chalk it up to experience, and start over. You will get there! I will pray for you. Pray for my son a bad bad alcoholic please. Thank you!



  21. Wow I have been praying well over two years daily and am so thankful for these prayers as they have brought me peace and hope. Please continue to pray for those with addictions and for my daughter who also struggles. May they find strength to overcome their weaknesses and find comfort in our Lord.


  22. Please St. Maximilian pray for my son David, so that he can see the light of God and reach out and hold the hand of God. David is a drug addict and he is not accepting to go to the hospital or rehab. He has dropped out of school but still hanging around his school in denial of reality. David has so much potentials and it hurts to see him going down the wrong part. Please do whatever you need to do to get his attention, please intercede for me and my family. The devastation of David’s drug use is affecting us and we need all the strength we can get, please St. Maximilian pray for me to the Lord our God, Amen


    • Amen. I will pray that David comes to grips with the pain inside him, and that he allows someone to help him.


    • God is the only hope of the addict. Keep praying and God will answer your prayers, we just don’t know God’s timeline. I have been praying for my alcoholic son for 6 years now, and i am now seeing glimmers of change in him. So don’t give up! Also, call Al-Anon, they are very helpful. I will pray for him too.


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